Oil & Energy - Arbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
first class Procurement Company specialised in the manufacturing of:Chemical injection packagesWellhead control panelsPolyelectrolite preparation unitsDynamic MixersWater and Wastewater treatment packagesDALARO provides valuable solutions to the "On Shore and Off Shore" Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Chemical and Water Treatment Industry and we are Qualified Approved Vendor in the major Oil & Gas Companies.We design and engineer packages in full compliance with the most stringent specifications worldwide thanks to the use of sophisticated and innovative software solutions.DALARO Objectives:To be a leading manufacturer for the above products worldwideTo actively and positively contribute to the success of our business partnersDALARO Company policy is to satisfy our customer needs considering them as Business Partners and to always provide high quality specialised services and products with the aim to add value to our customers' business.For more information visit us at www.dalaroco.com