Health, Wellness & Fitness - Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
How You Can Use the Enneagram The purpose of the Enneagram is self-knowledge that can be used to further your spiritual growth, and your understanding and compassion of others. This system can be applied for analyzing and influencing unconscious strategies and behavior of not only people but also organizations, cultures, and countries. Discovering and Influencing Your Unconscious Strategies We are all born as Essence, but somewhere in early childhood you develop a defensive strategy to deal with whatever is missing or lacking in your environment. This strategy is characterized by a "chief feature", also called a compulsion, a fixation, or a preoccupation. Because this feature is defensive, it essentially negative and interferes with the expression of your essential Essence. For most of us, this strategy is largely unconscious, manifesting itself as a continuing, recurring motivation for behavior. Because it is defensive, and largely unconscious, it blocks your psychological and spiritual growth. The purpose of the Enneagram is to help identify your unconscious strategy, the problem it creates for you, to heal it and address your deeper needs. It is only through honestly confronting the ways in which you interfere with your own development that you can be freed of these neurotic patterns. It offers the way through, and out of fear, anger and depression. This is an intuitive system, and most likely when you encounter your unconscious strategy you will feel on this level. Listen to your heart.