Airlines/aviation - New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Day Flier offers a revolution in business transportation by being the first service to bring three capabilities to a fragmented market: an easy-to-read graphical representation of the value of time, simultaneous booking of air and ground transportation, and door-to-door entire trip logistics management. The seamless, door-to-door booking experience, all with a few clicks, is the first such service available to consumers. Opportunity cost, although intangible, is one of the largest costs to most businesses. Inefficient time management robs employers and employees of their full potential. Because these opportunity costs are not visibly withdrawn from a bank account each month, many businesses fail to understand their loss of productivity. By using the proper tools, we help businesses understand the real value of their time and achieve a new level of productivity. Day Flier provides this leap in productivity by improving on a primary area of lost business time – business travel. Day Flier provides an unprecedented ability to fully measure and compare business travel options. Downtime spent in security lines, waiting for scheduled flights and layovers, driving to and from airports that are not the closest to a destination, and overnight hotel stays, add up to make airline travel time consuming, and thus more costly than the simple ticket expenses.
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