Political Organization - , ,
The DC College Democrats is an organization connecting and interlacing Democratic efforts across campuses in the District of Columbia. As an official state federation of the College Democrats of America, our aim is to join in electing Democrats both within the district and across the nation while working to advance the progressive movement by channeling our schools' vast wealth of politically-active students into a cohesive and efficacious network. The federation is a mechanism by which campus chapters can work and share ideas with other DC Democrats and from which chapters can reach to for resources.The D.C. Federation of College Democrats is an unstoppable force of bright young students that are passionate about issues facing the nation and the local D.C. community. The D.C. Federation of College Democrats broke the youth nationwide record in the 2012 election cycle, knocking on 135,000 doors for President Barack H. Obama, Senator Tim Kaine, Senator Bob Casey, Senator Sherrod Brown and various other progressive Democrats. Aside from door knocking, the D.C. College Democrats also broke the phone record of the federation's history by making nearly 60,000 phone calls during the election cycle.