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De la Gente is a 501(c)(3) non-profit social enterprise creating economic opportunity for communities of small-scale coffee farmersWe envision a coffee industry that is equitable and inclusive, that enables small-holder farmers to earn a dignified income and live prosperous lives, that facilitates authentic relationships between coffee producers and buyers, and that meets economic, social and environmental needs of everyone involved.De la Gente has three areas of work:1. COFFEE BUSINESSWe commercialize coffee from our partner cooperatives, providing improved market access for farmers while delivering a high quality product to roasters and consumers. DLG offers better and more stable prices to farmers.2. COOPERATIVE ASSISTANCEWe work to build the capacity of our partner co-ops to be successful farmer-run organizations that deliver economic benefits for their members and invest in continued improvement of their individual and collective abilities. 3. COMMUNITY TOURISMOur community tourism experiences welcome visitors to local communities and open up a world of adventure, immersive learning, and cultural exchange, while giving back to hosts. They are also a source of better and more consistent income for farmers and other partners.
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