Internet - Merrick, NY, US is the largest online debate platform globally and enables anyone, regardless of debating skill level, to anonymously and civilly debate online, casually or formally, while connecting with their friends and others from all around the world. We're transforming online debating into an easy-to-use and social experience. Users can debate just about anything online through five easy-to-use and fun debating formats ranging from Casual, to Formalish, to Lincoln-Douglas Formal. In addition, people can learn about numerous important topics.DebateIsland is also pioneering the application of AI to online debating through its Debra Artificial Intelligence with the goal of helping users improve their debating skills and enhancing our online debating experience. Debra uses proprietary and open source code, and API's to analyze various aspects of debate arguments, predict the winner/s of online debates, and calculate arguments' and users' most likely political affiliation and supported presidential candidate/s.
Google Font API
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Bootstrap Framework