Arts & Crafts - , ,
Delan, a subset of Ali Delzendehrooy's atelier, is the trademark for ornaments and jewelry including necklaces, earrings, bracelets, anklets, and buttons.Delan products are presented in gold, silver, and Delan alloy (a combination of several alloy) and a thickness of 100 and 120 microns. Initial design of our products is based on calligraphy and typography.Delan products are totally handmade.Formation, design, production, and even polish of our products are closely related with their concept and content.Delan trademark and all of its products are registered in Iran's Ministry of Culture under the code: 7956 and any duplication or copying of products and trademark is prohibited.Delan logo is coined behind every piece of Delan product to avoid any fraud and abuse. Every product has its own selling code which is set according to name and specifications of each client. Ordering section of Delan atelier is pleased to receive your special orders including names, title, brands, and etc.It is noticed that Delan products are available on: