Education Management - Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
DEMÀ (DEPARTAMENT D'ESTUDIS DELS MEDIS ACTUALS) is a non-profit Association, founded in October 1998, that intends to work in several areas in adult education, particularly in the field of labour and social integration, training for trainers; development of active citizenship, pedagogical and methodological research, etc. \They are part of DEMÀ professional of diverse areas, such as educational consultants, psychologist, experts in design and programming of courses, sociologists, graphic designers; experts in new technologies of the communication, etc. \DEMA's action fields:\ Actions for social inclusion: We try to work with young-adults as with elderly people. We understand that there are socially vulnerable sectors in both patterns.\ Research on adult education: To improve and to exchange new pedagogic experiences in this area. \ Training for Trainers on adult education: To introduce educational activities centered in the learners. \ Research on social issues: To improve the knowledge of the reality can facilitate the social inclusion and the active citizenship. \For these activities, DEMÀ are experience in different European programs in the Life Long Learning area (Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci, Youth in Action, etc.)