Medical Devices - , ,
DermDx is a silicon valley based medical device startup focused on bringing to market a revolutionary optical instrument capable of rapid, accurate, and non-invasive skin cancer diagnosis in a doctor's clinic. In the US alone, negative skin biopsies (90+% of such biopsies) cost the medical system an estimated $2 Billion/year and are the source of significant patient anguish. A quicker, painless way to diagnose skin cancer earlier is needed.The company's first product, the DDx, features a hand-held fiber-optic diagnostic probe that utilizes Multi-Modal Spectroscopy (MMS: diffuse reflectance, intrinsic fluorescence, and Raman spectroscopies). MMS is a disruptive technology that will transform early diagnosis of skin cancer by capture and analysis of unique spectral signatures of suspicious skin lesions. Using a prototype, DermDx has completed proof of concept clinical studies on live patients at the MD Anderson Cancer Center and demonstrated 100% sensitivity for detecting all skin cancers and a 42-75% reduction in unneeded biopsies, by accurately identifying benign lesions. DermDx is strategically aligned with leading clinical oncology centers including the renowned MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and University of Texas at Austin.