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The Design For Development Society (DFD) aims to reduce poverty, save lives and improve quality-of-life by designing and producing practical solutions to basic-needs issues faced by underserved and low resource communities. • We believe that everyone deserves access to basic needs and services and the chance to live, grow and thrive.• We believe that good design can and should be used to address and solve problems that hinder access to basic needs and services.• We believe that working directly with communities to design and produce solutions to their basic needs issues results in appropriate and sustainable (solutions).• We believe that sharing the design process with the communities we work with empowers them with effective problem-solving tools to tackle future issues with skill and confidence. The Bicycle Ambulance, a bicycle-pulled medical transport device for rural villages and health workers is the focus of our current work. Other projects include a pediatric oxygen delivery system for southern African application and co-designing children's mobility aids and inclusive playgrounds in Ladakh, India.DFD is an incorporated registered Canadian charity. (BN 84896 7568 RR0001) Founded by Director Niki Dun, DFD operates under the guidance of a corporate Board of Directors and voluntary Advisory Board.