Real Estate - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
deskworx is located at St Kilda Junction in Melbourne and is a modern full service Co-WorkingSpace. We invite small enterprises/companies to join our growing membership. Go from tour, to co-location with parking and high speed data in your first visit if you so wish.deskworx offers innovators a flexible, highly professional workspace at the gateway to Melbourne's biggest corporate boulevard, St Kilda Road, and within walking distance to cosmopolitan Fitzroy Street and St Kilda Beach. Mixing creativity with corporate savvy and loads of light-drenched spaces, deskworx is the kind of work environment that inspires and shapes your individual business personality. Our co-working space enables expansion and retraction as your business evolves, while keeping operational costs at a minimum; Enjoy the vibrancy and networking that a quality co-working and associated Seminar spaces provide.