Energy - Victoria, TX, US
A Veteran Owned Company specializing in swabbing, fishing and installing artificial lift systems(i.e plungers). While Devil Dog Swabbing, LLC is a start up company, our founders have extensive experience and expertise in well service business. Our co-founder Mr. Lance Kouches began working with his father in the family oil service business in 1986. Starting from the entry level as a helper, Mr. Kouches advanced through the organization over the next 25 years. Later responsibilities included Operator, Sales and Manager of Liberty Swabbing Inc.. Mr. Kouches fieldwork is credited for successfully completing several technically difficult swabbing and down hole retrieval operations that saved the operator valuable time and money. Our co-founder Mr. Leith Tipton is a highly skilled swabbing rig operator, with over 10 years of experience, also with Liberty Swabbing. Both Founders served our country in the United States Marine Corp. Both men take pride in the service that we provide and will give everything they have while providing it. Semper Fi