Telecommunications - Cesson-Sévigné, Brittany, France
We provide Call Analytics Solutions for your #Marketing, #Sales & #CustomerService. Dexem helps thousands of data-driven companies worldwide with 3 products: Turn calls in Marketing data with Dexem Call Tracking.Measure phone call conversions from your marketing campaigns with our Call Tracking solution. Analyze your visitors journey before their call and even AdWords keywords they typed. Then, integrate this data with your tools to get a true 360° vision.Don't let your Sales miss a call with Dexem Call Manager.Help your sales team to process 100% of their calls with our Call Manager solutions. Optimize your call flow by dynamically redirecting incoming calls to your available salespeople. Catch all your phone leads and follow in real time your sales performances.Improve your Customer Service with Dexem Cloud IVR.Automate the processing of your incoming calls with our Cloud IVR (Interactive Voice Response) solution. Create your own voice tree to facilitate the linking of your customers with your employees and so improve your customer service.
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