Luxury Goods & Jewelry - Brentwood, Tennessee, United States
With fewer clients coming in the door it is imperative that you knoweverything you can about your clients likes and dislikes, especially important dateslike birthdays and anniversaries.Imagine you contact your client and tell them their better half was in lookingat several items that they loved and you know their birthday is in three weeks. Thenyou go on to tell him you would be happy to gift wrap and deliver the special item,do you think you would have a great chance of making the sale? Compare that tositting around hoping they will come in the door, think again. Your clients areworried about getting out and they have many ways of shopping today. But thecompanies that are using a good CRM system are making sales and some of themare making more than last year!CRM stands for customer relationship management, which in simple terms isthe collection of customer information that assists in closing more sales.You might already have have a semblance of CRM in your business perhaps a clientbook or card file, or maybe you use Excel spreadsheets to organize data. But today'sCRM systems are much more than that. In today's fast-paced market, a store owner'sdaily responsibilities can become a lengthy to-do list, and without properorganization basic tasks can be come unmanageable. A CRM system can relievesome of the stress, allowing an owner or manager instant access to exactly what eachteam member is working on at any moment without always being physically present.A cloud-based CRM system allows owners, managers, and sales staff the abilityto locate customer information instantly and focuses time on engaging clients ratherthan lettering sales and information fall through the cracks.
Google Apps
Amazon AWS