Nonprofit Organization Management - , ,
Diaspora Network is an umbrella organisation for diaspora organisations in Norway. We collaborate with Aid and Development agencies and diaspora organisations in order to put Diaspora's contributions to development and peace building on the agenda. We mobilise the diaspora communities in order to strengthen the voice of Diaspora and increase visibility in Norway.Mission Statement: Diaspora Network is the voice of diaspora organisations in Norway. We strengthen collaborations between diaspora organisations and other aid/development actors in order to put diaspora contributions to development on the agenda.Our Vision: Diaspora contributions to development and efforts is recognised among development actors and Diaspora is involved in influencing Norwegian foreign and development policies.Diaspora Network has three roles:- We an umbrella organisation: We are a membership organisations. We promote our members' interests towards the government and other actors both nationally and internationally.- We are a channel of expertise and knowledeg developement: We Facilitate knowledge sharing, and provide both informal and formal training and courses to our members.- We are an adviser and a driving force for diaspora work: We are the driving force in diaspora work. We provide advice to diaspora organisations, our members and other relevant actors interested in including diaspora's expertise in their work.