Information Technology & Services - Sindelfingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
At Digital Frontiers long years of experience meet youthful innovation. The founders, while bringing over 100 years of experience to the table are still interested in new concepts and technologies. Moreover, since founding the company it has had a positive balance.Our company strategy and culture are a very important factor for this. We focus on our employees, their development and happiness. An agile organisation through and through, Digital Frontiers offers its members freedom, self-organization and the environment for personal growth. This can only work in a company culture that is based on trust, in which everybody helps and thus not only furthers themselves but the company and our customers as well.The basis for this company model is an agile mindset, in which learning and teaching play central roles. This means knowledge transfer on all levels, beginning with blog entries, talks at meet-ups, conference etc., and ends with journal articles and books. Our employees have written countless articles and multiple books, and this is our way to give back to the community from which we have learned.If our culture and philosophy sound interesting to you, then get into contact with us. Send a CV, or ask us questions, and we are more than happy to exchange our views with you. Contact us at recruiting@digitalfrontiers.deImprintDigital FrontiersGmbH & Co. KGTilsiter Straße 6, D-71065 SindelfingenKommanditgesellschaft: Digital Frontiers GmbH & Co. KGRegistergericht: Amtsgericht StuttgartRegisternummer: HRA 381384Persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Digital Frontiers Verwaltungs-GmbHGeschäftsführer: Rainer Anglett, Dr. Joachim BaumannRegistergericht: Amtsgericht StuttgartRegisternummer: HRB 382346Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE222618596Datenschutzbeauftragter: Dr. Joachim Baumann, Digital Frontiers GmbH & Co. KGInhaltlich Verantwortlich gemäß § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV: Dr. Joachim Baumann, Digital Frontiers GmbH & Co. KG
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