Management Consulting - Dublin, N/A, IE - find out how well a business is using digital for business growth
In a nutshell, Digital Scorecard helps businesses make better use of Digital. We break the use of Digital down into business elements. You can then measure, learn and then fix what's missing. Using our digital sales and marketing framework and tools as guidance, you find out where the gaps are in your process and fill them to strengthen your sales and marketing success. It's easy to use but the results can be dramatic. This way of working is suitable for all types of businesses, whether you sell a physical product, a digital product or even an experience. It also helps you to be a better buyer of digital services as you are clear on what you need to happen. Our process can be taken on a self-assessment basis or you can work on it with a consultant who will then work through what you need to do to improve your business success. Digital Scorecard helps you to clearly identify where you are today and how to view your business through a Digital lens so you have a clear roadmap for the future. We designed how we work so that you can get started fast with the most robust sales and marketing system. It's focused on the three aspects of selling; lead generation, lead conversion and sales. All you have to do is measure your current situation, get your report and get to work on implementation. To help you achieve this we have several programmes and partnerships. ranging from:- Digital Scorecard Framework- Digital Scorecard Test- Leading Digital Programme for SME's- A consultant programme - Certification of Digital knowledge