Animation - , , Diiz is a creative media production studio based in Oslo, Norway. We design and produce a broad range of visual content in fields such as industry, architecture, commercial, film, web and television.Our services range from single images to complete strategies for visual profiles. Our consultants have extensive experience with visual communication through a variety of media, and we efficiently analyze the needs of your company.Diiz consists of 10 people in our Oslo office. The core creative team is currently constituted by 4 architects specialized in computer graphics, two CG artists and one graphic and web designer. We also have tight collaboration with freelance artists in Berlin, Paris and Poland as well as several partners in Norway for among other things film production and scripting.Diiz share premises and an inspiring creative envrionment with the architectural practice Snøhetta on Vippetangen, right on the shoreline of the Oslo Fjord. SpecialtiesVi lager det meste som er visuelt: logoer, animasjoner, 3D-(grafikk), film, arkitektur-, landskaps- og byggvisualisering, integrasjon 3D/film. Grafisk design. Redaksjonelle oppdrag.
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