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Since the dawn of time, every creature, every person, animal and plant has been dependant on water. Water is the flowing source of life and without it we would surely die. Today, in our modern world, we are facing a most terrible crisis. In a time of knowledge and technology that far surpasses any era that has preceded us, a dark prospect looms ahead if we do not take action now.The global water crisis is the current situation of the world's water resources. The demand for usable water far outweighs its availability. The cause, however, according to the United Nations is not the physical absence of water but is "often due to mismanagement, corruption, lack of appropriate institutions, bureaucratic inertia and a shortage of investment in both human capacity and physical infrastructure".Atmospheric water generators transform air into pure water. They operate in a manner very similar to that of a refrigerated dehumidifier: air is passed through a cooled coil, causing water to condense. The amount of water that can be produced depends on the humidity, the volume of air passing through the coils, and the size of the machine.