Architecture & Planning - , , is an Architectural home plan service. We offer complete sets of working drawings of our house plans for as little as $9.95. All plans are available as a PDF download. was started to do one thing and that is to get home plans into potential home-buyers and Builders hands cost effectively. Many consideration go into purchasing a home plan, especially a stock home plan. We have decided to dedicate our home plan service to selling plans as economically as possible. Many builders and Home-Owners see plan on-line that they may like to build but are not sure if its 'the right house', can I afford this house, i like many different house's, etc. Most plan services and on-lines sites charge hundreds of dollars just for a study set. Our complete plans start at $9.95. You can literally buy 5 plans for under a 100 bucks if you need to. Builders your clients can pick out a plan from our site and you can be bidding a complete sets of working drawings in just a couple minutes. Come to the web site. look at our pricing--its DirtCheap.