Entertainment - Norwalk, California, United States
Diversityprod is a Marketing & Entertainment Company that specializes in connecting Female and Minority Actors, Writers, Producers, Directors and Production Crew with Major & Indie TV and Feature Film Production Companies interested in working with a diverse talent pool. TALENTOur goal is to attract, promote and connect a diverse group of talented Female and Minority Actors, Writers, Producers, Directors and Production Crew with Major Production Companies that can utilize your talents and services. TALENT DIRECTORY If you are a Female or Minority Actor, Writer, Producer, Director or Production Professional please submit your Professional Bio and Photo via the Diversityprod website; www.diversityprod.com and we will include you in our Talent Directory, as well as promote you via this website and via our on-going collaborative relationships with Major Production Companies interested in utilizing our diverse talent pool. TALENT HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTHEach month we will highlight and promote specific Female and Minority Actors, Writers, Producers, Directors and Production Crew in an effort to promote the Members of our Talent Directory and ultimately facilitate gainful employment with Major and Indie Production Companies interested in utilizing Members of our Talent Pool.TV & FILM PRODUCTION COMPANIESThe recent "Oscars so White" and "Me Too" Movement has put a spotlight on the lack of diversity and gender based injustices that have prevailed in the Entertainment Industry for way too long. Diversityprod seeks to address these biases and injustices by identifying and promoting talented Female and Minority Entertainment Professionals to Major and Indie Production Companies interested in addressing these inequities by utilizing the services of a diverse talent pool. DIVERSITYPROD'S PRODUCTION COMPANY NETWORKING WISH LISTThe following is a list of Production Companies that I would love to partner with to ultimately produce great female-driven and/or minority featured Screenwriters, Actors, Directors, Producers and Production Professionals:Brownstone Productions (Elizabeth Banks)Emergence FilmsFortis Films (Sandra Bullock)Hello Sunshine (Reese Witherspoon & Sarah Harden)Flavor Unit (Queen Latifah)Flower Films (Drew Barrymore)Gloria Sanchez (Will Ferrell)JuVee Productions (Viola Davis & Julian Tennon)Pacific Standard (Reese Witherspoon)Simpson Street Company (Kerry Washington)UnbeliEVable Entertainment (Eva Longoria)We Do It Together (WDIT)Will Packer productions (Will Packer)For more information please email Carmen Nina Pulido, CEO at diversityprod18@gmail.com
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