Music - Nashville, TN, US
Beyond Reason is code for Scorpio, the sign with the stinger, is adored and feared, desired and reviled. Why does this sign evoke such intense responses in many people, even those who know little about astrology? It is the season, I think. You know, Halloween, the Day of the Dead, falling leaves, shrinking days. Scorpio is a reminder that things must die so that others may be born. It is a remembrance of our mortality and the impossibility of cheating death. Sex and death, clinging lovers in the dance of life. The passion of connection that leads to conception. The urge to merge that brings babies. The natural rhythms blotted out by electric lights and medical technology.Scorpio is seen darkly because it touches so much that we reject. We want sex, but have been told that it is impure. Death beckons us all, but is denied in cellophane-wrapped America, a culture of the young in permanent denial of the wisdom, degeneration and transformation of old age. Scorpio's also about power, oh yes, that too. It is about the exchange of emotions, feelings and dollars, of time for money that we call work. Yet we turn our eyes away from the exchange, wanting but not watching, desiring without understanding.We're in denial, too independent, wanting open relationships, modern relationships, negotiable partnerships with reasonable limits. But, what are the limits of love, of passion, of the Soul. Why must we draw such clear lines of separation when that very separation is an illusion itself, the Cardinal Illusion that we are separate individuals, when we are truly bound together by our common humanness. Scorpio threatens us because we have forgotten that we are not apart, but connected to one another and everything else. Call it God, Goddess, Spirit, Nature, the All, whatever. It's Scorpio whose waters descend into our cracks and crevices separating us from the separations and reminding us that we are One.
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