Information Technology & Services - Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
Docentris is a specialized company in selling complex management and document processing solutions. We manage for all 10 years all the challenges related with document processing and management in different areas of economy: production, distribution, administration and services. We deliver to our customers a complete service, from consultancy to implementation and post-implementation, offering the most competitive hardware and software equipments. Experienta de peste 10 ani in acest domeniu, cresterea concentrarii si specializarea pe acest segmentde piata ne preced. In toata aceasta perioada, compania a oferit clientilor din diverse sectoare economice (productie, financiar, distributie, telecomunicatii, administratie si servicii) echipamente performante si solutiiefi ciente pentru succesul afacerii lor cu specializare in Solutii de Procesare a Documentelor.
PHP 5.3
Bootstrap Framework
Mobile Friendly