Medical Practice - , Florida, United States
In today's world, healthcare has become increasingly more complex, costly, and inconvenient. Emergency Room wait times can be up to five hours, and urgent care facilities become more crowded each day. Primary care offices are overwhelmed and can no longer accommodate urgent care needs that may arise at a moment's notice.In the past, medical care focused directly on the patient. Recently, however, it has become more about corporations, regulations, and metrics. The doctor-patient relationship has been eroded due to the need for speed and volume at the expense of quality and compassion.Our goal is to place health-care back in the hands of the patient, by managing urgent care needs in the comfort of your home or office. Instead of sitting in a crowded waiting room when you are ill or have an injury, we will come to you. We hope to bring medicine back to its basics, where a provider can make the patient the center of the experience by delivering quality care directly to our clients.