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DRTC was established in January 1962 as a division of the Indian Statistical Institute. It developed as a result of social forces. Soon after independance, the Government of India created the Indian Standards Institution in 1947. In the same year, its Documentation (Sectional) Committee was formed with Prof.S R Ranganathan as chairman. A proposal was made to Union Ministry of Education for the establishment of a National Documentation Centre. The proposal was referred to a committee of professors which included Prof. S R Ranganathan. In 1949, the files were taken over by Dr. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar. There was a keenly felt need for document services to support the work done in the national laboratories that were just being established. In 1950, Dr. K S Krishnan, the then Director of the National Physics Laboratory and Prof. S R Ranganathan were authorised to negotiate with UNESCO for aid in setting up a National Documentation Centre. The result was the establishment of Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre (INSDOC) in September 1951. By about 1955, some industries had been established. The research activities in the national laboratories had also begun to accelerate to a higher pitch. Specialist Libraries to support research activities were being established in some of these institutions. Thus the time appeared to be ripe for the formation of a special library association to support specialist library activity and documentation. Thus was born IASLIC. Prof. P C Mahalanobis , member of the Planning Commisssion and then Director of Indian Statistical Institute, had all along been engaged in perspective planning. He sensed the dependance of productivity of industries and of research in the country on prompt and pinpointed documentation services. As early as 1956, he requested Prof. Ranganathan, who was then in Zurich to come back to India and to establish a training school. But Prof.Ranganathan felt that the time was not ripe enough.