Executive Office - , ,
"Dodge the Fly" is a Virtual Office Assistance (VOA) business based on the premise that every so often, small business owners get so caught up in the little things, (the "flies"), that they lose focus on the bigger, revenue generating "elephants". As Josh Billings, a famous humorist and lecturer once said: "It is the little bits of things that fret and worry us; we can dodge an elephant, but we can't dodge a fly." Our objective is to "dodge the flies" for our clients; leaving them time to generate additional revenue by doing what they love best – be it prospecting, coaching, training, selling, networking, etc. Since 2009, clients have been asking "Dodge the Fly" to create power point presentations, update website content, create and manage online communication (mass emails, invitations and newsletters), transcribe notes, track expenses, send holiday cards, edit documents, confirm appointments, plan small events and more . . . all at a fraction of the cost of hiring a "real" employee.