- Long Beach, California, US
SSCA is now DoorTwo, a conscious leadership consulting firm. You are faced with choice on your leadership journey and we are committed to helping you harness the power of that choice: to turn the unconscious into the conscious and to choose the path of extraordinary impact. SSCA has been choosing extraordinary impact since 1978 and now, in 2023, we have chosen a name that represents what we have always been to you: DoorTwo. DoorTwo combines extensive business experience and expertise fueled by research-based models. Each engagement is tailored to the individual and organization, offering executive coaching, leadership development programs, and immersive workshops. Influential leaders emerge to build thriving and growing organizations. DoorTwo focuses on the whole human, creating conscious leaders who achieve competency both in our science-based leadership models and the concept of elevated personal capacity, creating a whole leader who harnesses personal potential to achieve peak performance. Be well to lead well.