Think Tanks - Menlo Park, California, United States
Working together to boost Collective IQ and innovation capacity in business and society, leading to more brilliant outcomes and a brilliant world. Leveraging the considerable legacy of Doug Engelbart past, present, and future.We recognize that the opportunities, problems, and challenges we face -- whether business, social, political, economic, environment -- are increasing exponentially on a global scale, so finding exponentially more powerful ways to collectively address important challenges is critical;This is both a dire threat and a golden opportunity -- companies, initiatives, regions, nations that kick into gear on this will likely surpass those that don't in leaps and bounds.The sooner we reach critical mass as a planet, the better off we all are, and thus there is tremendous value in sharing best practices, and in addressing this collectively as a Grand Challenge.It all comes down to teams learning how to achieve more brilliant outcomes at an increasing rate and scale in this new frontier. Our mission is to accelerate progress toward this goal through collaboration, sharing, and consulting. Dovetails easily with Lean Startup and/or Design Thinking, for those practitioners ready to take it to the next level.
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