Software - Spring Valley, NV, US
DPN Inc. was acquired by Fidelity National Financial in May 2003. DPN Inc. designs and develops enterprise solutions for the real estate industry. The company's products include Real Estate Broker Systems (REBS), an accounting system that integrates general and subsidiary ledger, accounts payable, broker and contract management, budgeting, payroll, human resources, property management, relocation, and inventory control. It also offers eREBS, a browser-based version of REBS; eBOSS, a branch office support system that provides Web-based tools for management of marketing and finance; and eTRANS, an electronic transaction management tool for entering, managing, tracking, and listing of sales contracts. DPN's clients include Daniels Head Insurance Agency, John R. Wood Inc., Smith & Associates, Clark Realty Corporation, Iowa Realty, and Jack Conway & Company. DPN was founded in 1976 and is based in Las Vegas, Nevada.