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Save-A-Green™ is a an all natural, colloidal, non leaching, super nutrient that contains all the elements in the periodic table, stimulates life in the soil, is 100% toxin free, and is specifically formulated to create and maintain ultra healthy greens and tee boxes... There is nothing else like it!Save-A-Green® has been designed to increase the quality of your greens and tee boxes by replenishing all the nutrients that have been removed from the soil over the years. This unique fertilizer is made of microscopic "nutrient clusters" that will build up over time and not wash out of the soil. When your turf gets the nutrition it is missing you will enjoy Higher Quality Greens & Tee Boxes With Less Bugs and Disease!* Save-A-Green May Be Used In Conjunction With Your Current Fertilizer Program Or As A Stand Alone Solution
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