Aviation & Aerospace - Redwood City, California, United States
Amazon, the world's largest online retailer, is testing unmanned drones to deliver goods to customers. Using drones for beneficial civic or commercial purposes, instead of military actions, is a growing trend and will reinvigorate a dying aerospace industry. Using drones for commercial purposes is still in its infancy, and I’m very excited about the future and all the amazing possibilities that will unveil in front of us. My new start up is focusing at the moment on aerial photography and cinematography, but I would love as we grow, to explore other amazing opportunities and applications of drones for commercial purposes. I’m looking for people who can see the potential and will support my aerial photography start up, while brainstorming and exploring the possibility of future larger scale projects. I believe that if you can imagine it, it is possible. Are you up for a new, fun and exciting adventure while making a lot of money? The sky is the limit! Literally...