Research - Lyngby, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark
DTU Civil Engineering (DTU Byg in Danish) is part of the Technical University of Denmark. The department specializes in construction engineering research and education. The activities at DTU Civil Engineering are organized in sections following classic civil engineering disciplines: Design and Processes, Materials and Durability, Energy and Service, Indoor Environment, Structures and Safety, Geotechnics and Geology.The research at DTU Civil Engineering is based on a deep understanding of underlying physical phenomena combined with forefront experimental investigations. Our extensive testing facilities include CASMaT, Villum Center for Advanced Structural and Material Testing, servicing experimental research at the highest international standard in mechanics of materials and structures.DTU Civil Engineering also has a special role in research, education and development of new construction engineering solutions for the Arctic regions.DTU Civil Engineering educates engineers for the building sector in both Denmark and Greenland. DTU Civil Engineering offers building-specific knowledge in everything from individual courses, BEng and MSc programmes to qualifying master programmes.The PhD school at DTU Civil Engineering organizes the research education at the department and focuses especially on industrial collaboration in the form of industrial PhD and research school PhD projects"We reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or suggestive, personal attacks, anonymous, wildly off-topic, spam or advertisements."