Music - Riverside, California, United States
D.U.M.P.S.I.C.C. ENTERTAINMENT An acronym for: D-ont U-nderestimate M-y P-otential S.uccessfully I.ncorporating C.reative C.ompositions A collective group of individual artists from different walks of life, with similar experiences. They came together with a lyrical overflow of raw heartfelt natural talent bringing forth a sound like none other. With a deep rooted imagery originating from the BROOK's (Black Rulers Over One Kingdom) cousins Kwiet, and Mumbles formed D.U.M.P.S.I.C.C. ENTERTAINMENT. D.own U.ntill M.y P.aper S.tacc I.nternationally C.ollecting C.ash was their motto and an independent record label emerged in Riverside, CA. Their mission: to create a platform for the youth to express themselves through music, an alternative to the street life, a way to take control. D.ont U.nderestimate M.y P.otential S.uccess I C.ontrol. D.U.M.P.S.I.C.C. Entertainment The Movement!