Internet - , ,
Africa and in particular South Africa's Internet penetration levels are significantly low when compared to the rest of the world. SA has in the region of 5,300,000 Internet users which represents a mere 10.8% of the population. Technology and in particular the Internet plays a significant role in the way the "Connected" conduct their lives, both personal and professional. Yet in South Africa almost 90% of the population do not have access to even as basic a service as Email!However on the positive side, many South African's in fact in the region of 42,300,000 have cell phones with 75% using their cell phone for sending and receiving SMS messages.We at e-Life looked at these two statistics and saw a massive opportunity in the South African market. Our aim is thus to unleash the power of the Internet with out having access to the Internet. Considering the wide spread use of SMS in South Africa we have made this possible through the merging of the Internet and SMS.Therefore e-Life Lifestyle Management Solutions CC is an company that provides Internet Solutions through the use of SMS.