Education Management - Hermitage, Pennsylvania, United States
The LindenPointe Entrepreneurship Academy Program is an innovative educational program focused on economic development. What started as a two-year pilot program funded by the Department of Community and Economic Development, has now become a sustainable, flagship program serving two counties and ten school districts in our region. The LindenPointe Development Corporation in Hermitage oversees the Entrepreneurship Academy.The main goals of the academy include: building relationships, building community, and building businesses. The action steps are what make the academy different from other business or entrepreneurial classes. The academy students launch businesses. This is not a school project. This is not a paper that they write and never read again. This is real, this is tangible and this is life changing!During their year at the program, high school seniors are placed in small groups with complementary skill sets. The groups then journey through the process of starting a business. Together, they create a prototype using additive manufacturing, complete a business canvas, write a lean startup business plan, participate in pitch events and present their businesses to funders, investors and business incubators. Students will understand not only how to develop a viable product or service, but how to effectively bring it to market.The students are supported by a large network of regional experts, business owners, and CEOs including over 15 guest speakers and 10 site visits to area businesses. All of the academy students may not end up owning a business, but they will all become exemplary employees equipped with 21st century skills including: leading by influence, initiative, business knowledge, analyzing information, time management, effective communication, soft skills, collaborating with diverse personalities and knowing that everyone has value to offer in the workplace.eA Classroom Library: