Information Technology & Services - , ,
eAhead aims to get open source software into your organization without any hassle on your part. We want you to realize the benefits that open source can bring such as saving you money, improving productivity and avoiding vendor lock-in without the headaches that come along with evaluating, installing and supporting the software. Open source is increasingly the foundation upon which software and Web companies depend.In most part of the world, IT is an established function in the structure of most organizations but the case with African countries such as Ethiopia is very different. eAhead aims to overcome this problem and make Africa compete with the rest of the world. We at eAhead believe that Open Source opens a lot of doors for Africa because it is not just another way that enables us to work around Software problems but also a means to increase the knowledge manpower of a country. Given the resource constraints that developing countries face, Open Source is the most obvious choice.Our team of developers have working knowledge that enables us to overcome complex software problems. We can consult you on many different IT related issues. We can direct you to the right place for your IT needs in or out of the country.
Oracle Cloud