Mining & Metals - , ,
Earthmover Tire Group (ETG) creates OTR tire web solutions offering seamless navigation of the multi-dimensional Mining Tire industry. Geared toward today's growing digital marketplaces, our innovation increases the profitability of your business through direct and efficient ‘Source to End-User' (S2E) channels. Focused on Information and Procurement strategies, ETG aims to solve the many challenges facing end-users through actively fusing Mining and Technology. ETG is responsible for creating This innovation provides the end-user community with a single platform that combines both Informational and Commercial resources. Users can remain fully educated in the OTR tire market while at the same time leveraging that knowledge to make informed decisions for procuring tires or selling surplus stock. This is a unique new approach to the market that will transform the method in which the industry accesses information and buys and sells OTR tires.