Furniture - Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
The European Bedding Industries' Association was created in January 2000.Our role and activities:EBIA represents the interests of the major European bedding articles' manufacturers and their suppliers. Mattresses are by far the most important product line. As it concerns an item that is in intimate and lasting contact with the user, all inherent aspects related to safety, health and environment are of utmost concern to our industry.Our members and position:The business of the EBIA member companies ("EBIA members") is the development, production and supply of Bedding Systems (bed bases, mattresses, pillows, accessories …), technologies and services. EBIA members strive to improve their competitive position by technological innovation and design, the quality of their products and through their customer service. EBIA members are committed without reservation to fair competition.As a European trade association, EBIA's purpose is to promote the interests of its members and to facilitate their respective aims and objectives solely through legitimate means and activities. EBIA proceeds with caution in carrying out this role and its related activities to ensure the non-violation of European antitrust laws. This policy statement (the "Policy") encompasses the corresponding principles which governWho are our members:Mattress manufacturers from Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK;the main suppliers to the industry.
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