Insurance - Hawthorn East, Victoria, AU
EBM RentCover’s relationship with the real estate industry ignited nearly 30 years ago, with the development of one of Australia's first landlord insurance policies. Since then, the business has educated property investors and property professionals about the value of aligning with a specialist landlord insurance provider and now protect more than 150,000 rental properties across Australia. Fun facts: - To ensure clients receive efficiency and consideration, a real person (not a machine) answers call. - The EBM RentCover team aims to settle the majority of claims within five working days, as long as necessary paperwork is submitted. - EBM RentCover paid out more than $20 million in claims in the past 12 months. - The EBM RentCover Expert Care team takes around 80,000 calls during an average year. - Any claim up to the value of $70,000 is managed in-house, allowing EBM RentCover staff to manage the time take to process and pay claims. - EBM RentCover has had more than 5,500 claims submitted to its Expert Care team in the past 12 months. - EBM RentCover confirms the submission of a claim and begin working on it within 24 hours. - In 2018, EBM RentCover approved 93 per cent of submitted claims.
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