Market Research - N/A, N/A, N/A provides important information about Ebola virus disease which include the history of Ebola virus, signs and symptoms, transmission, risk and exposure, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, new research on the virus, latest news etc. Our objective is to avail all the necessary resources about Ebola and educate our audience about the disease.Ebola which was previously known as hemorrhagic fever is a deadly and rare disease caused by infection with one of the Ebola virus strains. This virus causes disease in both human and nonhuman primates such as gorillas, chimpanzees and monkeys. This virus belong to the family Filoviridae, genus Ebolavirus. There are five main species of Ebola four of which cause the disease in human: Sudan virus (Sudan ebolavirus); Bundibugyo virus (Bundibugyo ebolavirus); Ebola virus (Zaire ebolavirus) and Taï Forest virus (Taï Forest ebolavirus, formerly Côte d'Ivoire ebolavirus). The fifth specie Reston virus (Reston ebolavirus), causes Ebola virus disease in nonhuman, primates.Since this virus was discovered in 1976 near Ebola River in Democratic Republic of Congo, its outbreak has been witnessed in several African countries such as Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda and Sudan. In 2014, countries which have been affected include Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone with Nigeria being classified by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention as localized transmission while Senegal and United States of America also being affected though as countries with travel associated cases.We believe fighting Ebola virus is a collective responsibility. All health facilities, research institutions, governments and NGOs must work together to ensure that Ebola is completely eradicated.
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