Architecture Firm/Engineering Firm - St. Paul, MN, US
Environmental Concepts & Design, Inc. (ECAD Engineering) is a unique environmental consulting firm with professional engineers and scientists that specialize in environmental site assessments (ESA), landfill engineering and groundwater developments in Minnesota. We have designed and certified the construction of several landfill liners and caps in Minnesota. We excel in landfill hydrogeologic investigations and report requirements of facility permits. Our professionals have established effective relationships with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency staff based on trust and credibility.ECAD has extensive experience in municipal well design work and can help communities meet necessary planning, wellhead protection, and design requirements. In addition, our professional have extensive experience preparing work plans and overseeing Remedial Investigations in the U.S. and Europe.In the U.S., we have prepared engineering plans and specifications for remediation of Superfund sites. ECAD also provided planning and oversight services on a project in the Czech Republic. Investigation is one of our areas of superior expertise. We are very effective in finding soil and groundwater contamination if present, and provide contaminant migration evaluations and clean-up plans when necessary.
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