Information Technology & Services - Buzin, Zagrebacka, HR
Od pokretanja 1998. godine u Zagrebu do danas, Eccos se profilirao u visokotehnološku tvrtku koja se bavi razvojem i implementacijom sofisticiranih rješenja iz područja elektrotehnike, informatike i sigurnosti. Naša rješenja namijenjena su izgradnji sigurnosnih sustava u industriji, zgradarstvu, financijskim ustanovama, energetici, prometu, zdravstvu, obrazovanju, turizmu i drugim područjima. S ciljem ostvarenja vizije prisutnosti u Europi Eccos ima urede u Zagrebu, Splitu, Dubrovniku, Kölnu (Njemačka) i Bruxellesu (Belgija) te partnere u Sarajevu (BiH), a realizirani projekti i reference nedvojbeno potvrđuju našu kvalitetu i konkurentnost na svim tržištima. Pokretačka snaga koja stoji iza Eccosova uspjeha više je od 140 energičnih i propulzivnih djelatnika s velikim iskustvom u projektiranju, izvođenju i održavanju kompleksnih rješenja. --- Since its establishment in 1998 in Zagreb, Eccos has developed into a highly professional and technologically modern company with extensive experience in safety and security projects, audiovisual communication, parking systems, development of software solutions, data centers, automation, energy efficiency and electrical engineering. Our solutions are designed to build security systems in industry, building construction, financial institutions, energy, transportation, healthcare, education, tourism and other fields. With the aim of achieving a vision of regional presence, Eccos has offices in Zagreb, Split, Bruxelles and Köln and partners in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), while our finished projects and references undoubtedly confirm our quality and competitiveness in all markets. The driving force behind Eccos’ success lies in over a hundred energetic and propulsive employees with great experience in design, implementation and maintenance of complex solutions.
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