Real Estate - , ,
Smart Living - SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH RETAINABILITY IN FOCUSBY THE EARLY 21ST CENTURY, MANKIND HAS EXPLOITED earth's resources so much that many people believe they ought to live in a way that puts as little burden on Mother Nature as possible. Their primary purpose is to create for themselves a living environment that conforms to the latest technical standards made available to people nowadays, but utilizes technologies that save resources for future generations. The creation of such environment is difficult in densely populated urban territories. This is why rural areas just outside big cities are becoming more important. That is where people can live close to nature while – thanks to modern infrastructure – not having to give up using any technical achievements of our times and still being able to live in proximity to relatives and friends who live in the city. The latest of such projects is being implemented in Budajeno, just 11 kilometers west of Budapest. The developer of the exclusive "Templomvolgy Eco-park" (‘Temple Valley residential area') has created spacious residential lots with low rates of development that provide plenty of room around the houses, as well as in relation to the neighboring parcels. Get more of it: