Environmental Services - Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
We collaborate, co-ordinate every aspect of a green building per client preference from a long list of eco-products & services, with projected savings and ROI - to provide a completely bespoke experience, one that fits your budget and style, all while helping you contribute to a sustainable future. We also ensure specialized services like post installation maintenance from the vendors. Willing customers can even get their buildings EDGE certified for additional subsidies and the pride of owning a Certified Green Building. We provide design and sustainability solutions for residences, commercial business establishments and institutions. Our range of services include :- - Sustainable and climate responsive Master Plan - Eco-Friendly Building Design (Alternate Building Technology and Efficient Building Envelope) - Wellness Interior Design- Water conservation, Integrated Renewable Energy- Onsite Waste Management Solutions - Green "RATING" Consultancy/ EDGEOur Current Partners : 1) Design -AAplusD https://www.aaplusd.com/sustainable 2) Eco Materials and Construction - EarthBlocks https://earthblocks.in/ 3) Energy and Water Consumption Monitoring: FluxGen http://www.fluxgentech.com/ 4) Waste Water Recycling : RentoReWa https://www.rentorewa.com/ 5) Waste Management To schedule an online consultation with EcoCollab please call 9740187846
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