Civic & Social Organization - Tamworth, New Hampshire, United States
The Tamworth Economic Development Commission strives to attract, grow, and retain businesses in Tamworth. The Commission is charged with:1. Supporting new and existing businesses:– Promoting a supportive climate and required resources attractive to business.– Coordinating and hosting town economic development events with local businesses, professionals, and organizations.– Supporting the local employment base2. Helping to enable business growth:– Making realistic recommendations to the town that enable the well-being and growth of its business base.– Identifying and partnering on other initiatives supportive of strong core business capabilities.3. Coordinating regionally to support the town's business base:– Coordinating town economic development activities with surrounding towns – Working with regional and state resources, programs and initiatives to support the town's business base.4. Educating and enhancing opportunity awareness for local businesses leaders:– Identifying local, state, or federal initiatives and/or programs available to enable local business success. – Hosting economic development events to help publicize and educate business leaders on opportunities that can support the health and wellbeing of the town's business base.