Renewables & Environment - , ,
Ecovalia is a research and development Company, based in Switzerland, focused on Alternative Energies and holder of the CALOMOTOR technology which has been subject to a patent filling with the INPI in Paris.The CALOMOTOR is an innovative power generator which uses heat or lost heat to produce electric power. The system converts hot water into colder water with restitution of a mechanical driving force. This driving force is then used to power an alternator to produce electric power. It is a thermodynamic process which uses a hot fluid circulating in an external thermal exchanger in order to bring that fluid under pressure to produce electric voltage. It meets the economical and ecological requirements of our new environmental legislations.It can use a range of heat, even with temperatures of less than 100°, provided by solar panels, geothermic sources or lost heat from industries such as nuclear plants, cement or steel industries, incinerators etc.A demonstration unit has been manufactured in order to carry out the tests necessary to the certification of the technology. After many years of research and development and taking into account the results obtained, before starting the production and promotion of this new technology, Ecovalia wants to manufacture a pilot unit of 10 or 100 kWA.The purpose of the 100 kWA pilot unit is to provide our prospective clients and potential investors with a real size working model which will produce electricity on a 24h basis.Ecovalia will proceed to an increase of its share capital by issuing 10.000 new shares of Sfr. 10.- nominal at a price of Sfr. 80.- per share in order to finance its development.