Management Consulting - Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Edburgh Consultants was founded in 1994 and is an independent firm of advisors incorporated in the Netherlands. We provide a range of consultancy services in policy development, business planning, management processes and organisational structures, human resource development and the development of management information systems. Currently, Edburgh Consultants has been awarded as member of the ECORYS consortium with the Framework Contract 'Services for the Implementation of External Aid 2018' (FWC SIEA 2018) Lot 3: Human Rights, Democracy and Peace and as member of the ICON consortium FWC SIEA Lot 4: Human Development and Safety Net. The operations of Edburgh Consultants are in compliance with the formal requirements of international donor organisations.Expertise:■ Education management: Primary, Secondary and Higher education (e.g. quality, administration and management information systems, school infrastructure, school management systems, curriculum and materials development) - Basic Life Skills - Education sector reform (e.g. policy, financing, planning, support to education ministries, sector wide education strategies) - Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) - Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education■ Health management: Public Health - Health Economics - Healthcare Management - Hygiene and Food Safety - Family Planning - E-Health■ Social Sector Development: Aid Management - Public Administration Reform, including sector policy formulation and public finance management - Support to Democratization - Decentralization and support to local authorities - Community Development - Strengthening of Civil Society - Gender - Human Rights - Rule of Law - Public Accountability