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Whether this is your first manuscript or your fiftieth, I can help you polish your book for publication with quality editing at affordable rates. Proofreading: $0.005/word* A single read-through of your manuscript to find and correct typos, misspellings, missing words, missing or incorrect punctuation, and obvious continuity errors.Copyediting: $0.008/word* Focuses on word choice, sentence structure, phrase or word repetition, and consistency of style and content, in addition to all proofreading standards, to ensure your manuscript is readable and compelling. "Taya is the only person I trust to pick out and find the little things, things that slip by most editors. And she gets the job done in half the time I expect. I could not recommend her more highly."- Bryce O'Connor, A Mark of Kings, Iron Prince"I've worked with a lot of editors over my years of writing, and Taya is certainly one of the best. Easy to work with, great quality work, hyper-attentive to detail, and lightning-fast turnaround time. Highly recommended for anyone who needs a kickass editor."- Andy Peloquin
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