E-learning - Bradenton, Florida, United States
The Education & Community Learning Center's mission is to improve literacy and provide educational support in an engaging and accessible manner to all children for free.Our first initiative is an online literacy program called The Free Reading Program. The program offers anyone the ability to access thousands of online reading activities to help them improve their reading skills. The program offers activities in levels K-6. The Free Reading Program began as project of the Rotary Club of Scarborough. The program has earned recognition and awards at all levels of Rotary including the Doug Dempsey Literacy Award for District 7070, 2 Rotary International House of Friendship booth awards and Rotary Zone Public Image award.Our Board Chair, Heather Lennie is a Rotarian and loves the great connection Rotary instills in volunteers with common interests. Heather travels extensively promoting the program at Rotary clubs and other community groups. With a Masters Degree in Educational Technology and a love for kids, she believes the work of the organization is innovative and can make an amazing, sustainable impact on literacy rates.After 3 years of operation it became necessary for us to raise funds to support our continued growth in a sustainable manner. In September 2018, The Education & Community Learning Center received Section 501(c)3 non-profit status. We currently have over 175,000 registered users. As a free online service, users from around the world are able to access the program. We're proud to be improving literacy anywhere, anytime. To date, our registered users have completed over 98,000 learning units and over 1,500,000 activities with an average score of 93%. Rotary Clubs in Florida and around the world help promote our programs. The ECLC has no paid staff. 100% of donations are allocated to the provision of our online, educational services.
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