Government Administration - New Delhi, Delhi, India
Education for Equality is an independent project that focuses on creating gender sensitive pedagogy and facilitating training sessions for teachers to empower them with right tools and techniques to use in their classrooms. We envision a sensitive education system for an overall impact to the students, teachers and the school by working with teachers.Gender Equality is one of the 17 SDGs that people are collectively working towards to create social, political and economic parity of all genders. We as society should actively promote autonomy and agency for everyone, especially women and other gender minorities. To achieve this goal, Education can be the most powerful tool and the role of teachers is very crucial here. Because the stereotypical ideas of gender are so systematic, that since birth we are always told to follow gender norms. Our teachers are not exception and out of this system. As an individual in our patriarchal system, they also inherit and practice the same system in them and the circle goes on from teachers to students. We can actually create a change in student's mindsets if we work with teachers, because in this case teachers work as the biggest enablers. As far as classroom setting is concerned teacher's role is of paramount importance to set a bias free atmosphere in the classroom. Teacher can minimize negative effect of the ‘Gender Bias' by adopting following ways:1. By identifying gender bias and accepting its effect on the work of a teacher in a patriarchal society 2. To create alternative pedagogy and teaching tools i.e. gender responsive3. To train and help teachers execute gender responsive tools and activities in classroom interactions which counter the gender biases